Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Smartphone Technology = Modern Day Parenting

As a full time working mother and wife, I recognize that my iPhone has become my lifeline to my family and friends. Even to know I may not be the one picking up or dropping off the kids at school, or taking them to the doctors, or interacting with them in the playroom, my phone allows me to be a virtual part of their lives when I can not be physically present.

Now believe me, I know that being virtually connected isn't the same or even close to replacing myself in their daily activities. But it is a creative way to always be accessible to the important people in my life.

I get emails and phone calls from the schools containing weekly newsletters and classroom updates, I text or FaceTime my girls and read books to them. I stay on speaker phone during my commute during their breakfast and hear about all the new exciting things going on.

While in meetings at work, I text back and forth with the babysitter. I receive movies and pictures during the day to ease the pain of missing them.

Even my husband and I utilize texting to add a sassy new vehicle to our mechanisms of flirting.
I don't know where I would be without my iPhone. Between setting important dates and reminders in my iCal and researching new and fun family activities to enjoy when we are all together, my phone really keeps me connected to my life while I'm physically apart from the people in it.

The question I now ponder is "How did working Moms do all of this before the smartphone?"
I text to set up playdates, I email my friends during my commute to stay in touch, I make status updates and send photos to grandparents.... How did Moms, before the smartphone do it?

I guess one day at a time like me, just connected in other ways.

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