I don't believe I have had one since my first daughter was born six and a half years ago.
Who would have thought that an emergency c-section and a catheter would have resulted in the last eight hours of sound consecutive sleep I would have never experienced again.
My youngest daughter of 20 months has developed a pattern of not sleeping through the night.
This has been going on for about 2 and a half months. Now, for the life of me I can't seem to figure out why.
She was a great sleeper until recently. Is it the 2 year molars? Her head cold? A growth spurt?
Bad dreams? My first daughter is a sleeper. She takes after her Dad that way. A man, might I add, who still has the luxury of sleeping in on the weekends.
But my younges daughter is like me. She will go to bed at an early or late hour... But always be up at the good old crack of dawn. For whatever reason, she can function at "full throttle" with very little sleep. DRIVES ME CRAZY!
Getting back to this Momma's longing for some seriously needed sleep.... My 20 month old has been up since 3:30 this morning. Now usually this results in me lying down on the floor next to her crib. But I was blessed twice at such an early hour. After I calmed the youngest anti-sleeper down, my six year old startles me with her sudden appearance next to my face to announce she is hungry.
"How AWESOME is this?", that's all I could ask myself. Who needs sleep? I can do that when I'm dead right?
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