Friday, January 13, 2012

I Want the Purple Crayon

I was reintroduced to Harold and the Purple Crayon recently when it was given to my son as a gift. I had forgotten what a sweet story it was. How it encourages imagination, living out your dreams, demonstrates hope for the future. As long as Harold has his purple crayon he can be anything, go anywhere.
I think some people have purple crayons and some don't. Some people walk through life believing that they can be anything. They are the dreamers, the believers, the occupiers. If success or wealth comes great! If not they will just move onto the next thing. Those of us who were not born with the innate ability to dream often end up in relationships with holders of purple crayons. We are attracted to their free spirits and optimism. We like that they seem to need our pragmatism and rely on us to take care of the nitty gritty side of life.
I have always wanted a purple crayon. But even as a child I was a glass half empty, tow the line, do the right thing kind of kid. I didn't take risks to meet my dreams. And I have ended up with a great life...but sometimes, I wish that I could have a purple crayon, dream big, dance with abandon with my son in the living room instead of worrying about bills. Sometimes I get tired of always being the grounded one.
And the kids? My son is like his father, purple crayon and all. And my daughter, so far is showing no sign of having one. I wonder if she will be jealous of her brother, if she will marry a man or woman who has one, so she, like me can live vicariously through her spouse's dreams.

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