Friday, January 13, 2012


So to save myself time in the morning, I usually put my makeup on in the car at the T station. That way I can leave the house in just enough time (after getting 2 kids up, dressed, and fed) to be guaranteed a parking spot.

Usually cutting this corner in my routine works out just fine. However, this morning, I decided to sleep in a little bit (because I was up throughout the night with my 20 month old . . . AGAIN). My plan was to park at the T station in the next town over and apply my makeup once I arrived at work.

The train ride goes fine and I arrive in town. I'm going about my business, listening to some Kenny Chesney, thinking about how it's finally Friday and my plans for this long weekend . . . and BAHM! I run into someone I haven't seen in over 15 years.

Now it's not as if I REALLY care what this person thinks of me after this 30 second face-to-face. But, a woman always likes to look her best. You know, kind of like when you run into the first boy who ever broke you heart, and you want them to think to themselves, "CRAP, Why did I ever let HER go?"

While I am standing there exchanging the standard "what have you been up to" chit chat with this person, I wanted to somehow interject into the conversation that I was "sick" or I had a "migraine".... or I was up all night with my baby. For some weird reason, I couldn't let go of the fact that the person across from me may be wondering why I looked exhausted, or not put together. I wanted them to know I don't ALWAYS look "like this". Ugh!

Well, the conversation ended. And I continued on my way... and I immediately sat at my desk and applied my foundation and started the "make myself pretty and viewable to the world" process.

Now only if I can run into this person again during lunch and they can bare witness to my "transformation".

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