Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I Should Be Home, I Should Be Home

I say a lot how lucky I am that my husband stays home with the kids. I know that our family - one based on one income and two parents is not the norm these days and we are unbelievably lucky to be able to get by on my income. But it doesn't change the feeling deep in my gut that says as the mom I should be home.

And it's funny because when we meet new people, they always ask how is it for my husband to be a stay at home dad since it is still rare. How is it for him? Does he miss work? Feel inadequate? No one asks me how it is for me to go to work full time. Do I miss the kids? Feel like a bad mother? Why is that?

I know how it is for him. After spending a few months being insecure about being a stay at home dad he now embraces it. He talks about how lucky he is and how much he loves his job. I know how it is for me too. Even though no one asks. It sucks. But it's what I have to do for my family. And they make it worth it.

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