Last spring, my husband and I took our two little princesses to Disney. And the minute I left, I just wanted to go back.
On the plane ride home I was studying the park maps, circling places we didn't get to, marking places we had been, crossing off the restaurants that weren't that great and highlighting the ones we absolutely couldn't miss when we returned. I was officially a "Disney Dork". But I didn't care!
Watching my two little girls take everything in for the first time was awe inspiring.
My oldest daughter (who was 5 at the time) was all about character dinning to meet, greet, and get autographs of her favorite Disney peeps. She also capitalized on any chance to trade the Disney Pins (think pieces of flare if you can remember that reference) with each "cast member" (aka park employee). I guess EBay makes a killing on these pins!
We even visited the "Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique" while we were there (highly suggest the Magic Kingdom location in Cinderella's Castle for the full experience — "Knights" & "Pirates" packages available for boys too). Even my husband, who thought before hand it would be a complete indulgence for someone so young, was amazingly impressed with the operation. Each girl had not one, not two, but three royal maidens attending to them at once. One royal maiden for makeup, one for hair, and one for nails. My daughter was in heaven! She kept batting her eyes at all the attention, acting as if it were completely natural to be waited on hand and foot. All I could think to myself (in between snapping 1,000's of pics) was don't get use to this kid!
The youngest of my two daughters was 11 months at the time of our trip. Both my husband and I couldn't believe how much she thoroughly enjoyed herself. We thought she would sleep in the carriage the entire trip. Uh uh, not this girl! She giggled constantly on the kiddie rides, with her eyes bright and wide. Her continuous clapping let us know that the Epcot ball contained her favorite ride, "Spaceship Earth". Her mouth would hang open as she steadily watched the street performers dance and sing. She didn't take her eyes off of them for a second. Being under a year old, she hadn't really had much table food up until this point. I can't think of a much better way to expose a little one to all the world's "yummies" than a sea of buffets! Almost every picture of her contains a messy smile and a "Mickey Mouse" shaped plate of food.
And the parades! Oh the parades! They were colorful, boisterous, and magnified life. The music and dancing captivated all of us.
There was so much to see and do, a week just wasn't enough to take it all in!
I do have a few requirements for our Disney Adventure the next time around. The deluxe meal plan is a must, stay at one of the three hotels on the Monorail (waiting for busses wastes too much park time), book 10 days instead of 7 (each park uses up 2 -3 days if you want to see everything) and spend the day at the same park where you have booked your dinner reservation for that night.
Hmmm, I wonder if Disney is running any specials now?
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