Ever feel like screaming so loud you'd lose your voice, want to pull your hair out, or beat your head against the wall?
These desires were mine this morning.
Let me first say that I LOVE MY CHILDREN TO DEATH! They are my first and last breath of the day. BUT the drive me FU&$!&G CRAZY!
I so desperately do not want to take my six year old's child like dreams and happiness away from her. BUT, there is a fine line between being non-stop silly and putting laughter on pause to listen and understand simple instructions.
Lately it seems that everything to my six year old is a big joke. AND IT DRIVES ME CRAZY!
I try so hard to utilize every ounce of patience in my body when listening to each laugh or giggle. I think to myself, "How hard is it to just get dressed?" I mean for crying out lout, my daughter has a better wardrobe selection than Macy's, and STILL she complains she has nothing to wear. BUT, no matter how eclectic my daughter's clothing selection, sometimes Mommy has to take a deep breath and walk out of the room... So that Mommy doesn't completely lose her $h!T!
I keep telling myself, "She is only six", "Cut her some slack", "Her silliness is part of who she is". If only she would take SOMETHING seriously.
My daughter wakes up giggling, laughs at her own jokes, and continuously shares these rituals with others. All of the previously mentioned things are beautiful parts of her personality. I'm happy she has such a positive outlook on life. That being said, these qualities also make it difficult for her to stay focused on getting herself dressed and ready for school in the morning. She
would rather share her latest adventure with me than finish her breakfast.
But I wonder if we the adults are the ones with the problem. We are always focused on what comes next. We try so hard to stick to a routine or schedule. Hurrying from one place to the next, we never really stop and live in the moment. We don't allow ourselves to completely let go and enjoy what is going on around us.
Maybe, just maybe...if we try to channel our inner child, our giggles and laughter... Maybe we could stop and be silly instead of completely losing our $h!T!
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