Saturday, February 4, 2012

Are my kids the only ones in the world who never stop complaining?

I swear, no matter where my children are taken, no matter what they are given, no matter how much time I spend with them... It's never enough.

"I didn't want to come HERE for lunch, I wanted to go to Bertucci's!",
"Why do you always give HER everything?" or "You promised you would take ME THERE TODAY!"

Now mark my words, I NEVER say the phrase "I promise" unless I know I can deliver. This is a phrase my oldest daughter likes to throw out at whim in an effort to get whatever she wants. NOT HAPPENING!

I'm so sick of it. Now I love my kids more than anything, but I'm not about to raise two "Italian Princesses". I was taught to eat what I'm given, be thankful my parents could afford to take me out to eat at all, let alone to the place of my choice.... And were strictly for Birthdays or Holidays.

It's as if my two children were handed a manual on "How To Push My Mommy's Buttons".

When they are born they are cute and loving. They love to snuggle and sit with you. They think you, the parent, are the greatest thing in the world. And before you know it, you "ruined their life" or you "love their sister more than them".

BUT... There are also those rewarding moments. Like watching them experience something for the first time, or having them greet you at the door when you've had a horrible day.

Either way you can't live with them sometimes... BUT you for sure could NEVER live without them!

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